Monday, May 3, 2010

What I Think Our Action Should Be

My group’s topic is graffiti vandalism; so I think we really need to show that there’s more to graffiti than vandalizing public/private property. If you've ever really looked at or studied graffiti you can tell that it's actual art and in a way...beautiful. The way some people are able to express their feelings so well through graffiti is mesmerizing. I’m definitely FOR graffiti, but I don't think that people should do it on property. Graffiti is an art. Art needs to be done on a canvas or even just a piece of paper, but not a building. I think our action should be to show the difference between graffiti on a canvas and on a wall. Using your talents of art that way is hating yourself and abusing your skills. You have a gift that you can share with the world, but instead your doing it in an illegal way. I think we need to make sure people know to put their talent to good use.