Monday, May 10, 2010

Three Cheers for Central Market!

Wow! I still can't believe it! Central Market was kind and generous enough to donate $250!!!!! We went to the store after school and stocked up on all kinds of healthy food, including; cheese, meat (ham), crackers, fruit juice (fizzy), wheat bread-that tastes like white, a bunch of fruit, and a lot of veggies (peanut butter and ranch dip to add flavor). We spent a total of about $200, so we have $50 left. We’re going to ask Mrs. Gilboa what we should do with the extra money tomorrow. We did an awesome job, but made one huge mistake-even though we went to Hamish’s house before we went to the store to get his mom’s camera, we still forgot to take pictures…oops. We’ll make sure to take a BUNCH of pictures when we set up and during the event to make up for it though!