Thursday, April 29, 2010

Central Idea

My favorite central idea is probably both ''to be human means to not hate, but to appreciate things while you can'' and ''to help our world become a better place, our generation needs to help stop hate''. I like them because I think they both really describe the central idea. They’re both slogans that really describe who we are today; I think that that was the most important thing the central idea needed. For the first one, it is important for us to appreciate what we have, we're all very fortunate to have loving families and homes and we need to remember that. Maybe when you start to feel hate toward someone you can think of every good thing they've done, that could probably help you cool down and not think such bad thoughts. For the second slogan our generation really is important because we can stop hate, but only if we work together. We’re the future and that's something we need to remember.

Since we can only have one central idea for exhibition I think the best way to combine them is, "to help our world become a better place, without hate, we need to appreciate all of the things we have". I think this combines them to where it still makes sense and gets both points across. Now it's talking about how important our generation is, that it's important to appreciate what we have, and it gets the main point across that we need to stop hate. I could really see this being our central idea and I hope it is.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Discrimination Against Gay Marriage

Today in the 21st century, both men and women have very strong opinions about very touchy subjects. Gay marriage is one of them. Many Christians believe that gay people marrying, or someone just being gay in general, is going against god. In the bible there are certain scriptures that do suggest this, but I am a Christian and I feel that there’s nothing wrong with people of the same gender getting married or having feelings toward one another. God wants us to be true to ourselves, people can't help it if they have feelings towards someone. I really don't understand why it's a bad thing; it's nature, just part of life. I don't think the law should be able to not allow people of the same gender to marry; it is a form of discrimination and is something that I think shouldn't be chosen for you. The law is basically trying to change the way people feel towards one another, but the thing is, if it's love, its love.

How Well I Cooperated With My Exhibition Group

For exhibition Brooke, Obadias, and Mustafa are in my group. Today we were researching our topic and I found out that I work very well with each one of them. We are all willing to compromise and I think every group needs to be able to do that to come out with a good product in the end. I’m excited to go through this journey with all three of them. Wish us luck!

Monday, April 26, 2010

What I Think We Should Do To Bring The Community Together

Today I was informed about a way another school tried to get their community together that I really liked. What they did was have one lunch period where you could sit anywhere, but by someone new who you’re not familiar with. I think this was great because it really got the students to interact with new people. I think that this would be a great thing to propose to Mr. baker as an exhibition project because it might allow your acquaintances to get to know you and maybe even become your good friend. In my case, the person who's been my best friend since 1st grade isn't going to the same middle school, we've been able to be fine not being in the same classes (I actually haven't been in her class since 1st grade), but it's going to be hard not being around her at school at all and never being able to look at her for support. This idea of sitting and interacting with different people might help people find future middle school friends.

My Top Issue = Respect

For exhibition I think I would really enjoy doing a project on respect. I would mostly like to delve into no place for hate (bullying). Out of all of our PYP values I think respect is the most important. Where would our world be today if we didn’t show respect towards one another? For me that would be a world I would not want to live in. sometimes it seems unfair, but elders do deserve our respect and I guarantee that if you show them respect they’ll respect you in return. No place for hate is very important to me because I am someone who gets bullied. Today my teacher said that our school has agreed to being a no place for hate school, but really all we’ve done is sign a piece of paper. I agree with her, it’s one thing to say you’ll make an improvement, but it’s another thing to actually do it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

what i'm passionate about

Everyone is most likely aware that I'm not a very sporty person, but i do like to be outside. some of my favorite outdoor activities are riding my bike and scooter or just taking a walk. My favorite and my most meaningful time outside is fishing with my dad though. My dad is always able to comfort me, i adore him and love spending time with him. It's both relaxing and fun at the same time while I'm fishing. He's always able to make me laugh, even though his jokes are a little on the cheesy side. When I'm able to catch a fish pride covers his face and when i see that, it makes me proud of myself too.

I had a connection with with yaeeun that really surprised me. she said that she really liked music and singing. i also really enjoy to sing and listening to music is a great pass time. 
I also had a connection with kevin. he's a very strong believer in god and trusts him just like i do. he also is very passionate about animals and that's something that really concerns me too.

Cameron loves god and is a huge fan of martin Luther king. Luther king is definitely one of my role models and someday i really hope I'm able to make as big of difference as he has.

i also think that i'm a thinker like hamish. i like to consider things before i do them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Personal Narrative

I’m confused about life. There are just so many things I don’t understand about our world and life on earth. I get taught a lot in school and learn new things everyday, but I don’t think being stuck in a classroom reading from a textbook is the best way to learn. I think the best way to learn is out of experience. The thing is though; being only eleven doesn’t give me much of that. I know I’ll never figure certain things out until I get to heaven, but I can’t help wanting to know them now. Growing up is also something that deeply confuses me. Year by year I gain more and more privileges, but at the same time I get just as many, if not more, responsibilities. In some ways I feel like I’m ready to grow up and I’m excited about it. In other ways I’m scared and not sure if I’m ready. Honestly, it’s all just a lot to keep up with and right now it might be a little too much.

I think that I’m a very emotional person. Things people say to me really hurt sometimes. In a way I hide behind a mask because I try to look like I don’t care and that it doesn’t bother me, but on the inside, I’m crying. If I’m in public and someone makes me feel bad I’m not going to cry, I’m going to act like it didn’t bother me a bit. I’ll stay “presentable” but as soon as I get into the safety of my home or car the tears start coming. I believe that words hurt more than actions. I’d rather get a scar from someone scratching me, than getting a scar emotionally any day.

I believe in God. I trust Him with my life, but most of all my heart. I wouldn’t even be alive today if it wasn’t for Him, no one would. Sometimes He’s absolutely the only one who can get me through bad situations or even bad periods of my life. I'm not afraid of dying because I know I'll go to heaven. I know I’ll be able to find out all the answers when I get to heaven. That makes it even harder to wait though.

My most prized possession that is a thing is definitely my Bible. I honestly don’t read it as much as I should or want to, but it’s helped me get through a lot. Whenever I feel alone, praying really helps me, but opening up my Bible and simply just reading a psalm lifts up my spirit more than you can imagine. The Bible shares so many stories about God helping us, saving us. I like to look at the bible as a book that holds all of the secrets, and all of the answers to our world and even some about heaven.

I always try very hard not judge people by where they’ve come from, how they have been raised, and who/what they believe in. Sometimes I do have some trouble getting past peoples' beliefs and I really wish I didn’t, but it’s hard for me because I have such a strong belief in God. Sometimes t confuses me how people believe in someone else other than my God because I’ve been raised learning all about Him and the wonders He’s made, like our world. Some of my friends have very different religious beliefs from me, but we’re still very close. I do understand it’s not my place to tell people whom to believe in, but sometimes I really want to.

My dogs can usaully cheer me up. I’m pretty sure they have a sixth sense when it comes to emotions, because they can always tell how I feel. If I’m happy they’ll come over wagging their tail and try to get me to throw the ball. When I’m tired they’ll come and nuzzle their head under my chin and lay there beside me. When I’m angry they’ll usually just stay in their dog beds sleeping and give me some time alone…and when I’m sad they’ll come over and cuddle with me and just stay there letting me rub them until I feel better. No matter how I’m feeling, they always seem to know how to turn my frown upside down.

This might sound extremely boring to you but my favorite way to relax and rest is listening to the sound of water. I love sitting by a body of water and just thinking. The sound of waves or water dripping is just so relaxing. Sometimes it’s as if I’m in a trance because everything around me just seems to disappear and it seems like, just for that moment that everything in the world is OK.

I also love to watch movies. I just love it when a movie is so good it almost seems as though you’re a part of it. It’s kind of like watching other people’s lives happen. My favorite kind of movie would have to be a romantic comedy. I’ve always loved love stories, but I like my entertainment to make me laugh at the same time. My favorite time to watch movies is on a rainy day because there’s really not much else to do and it relaxes me.

The United States is great. We worked so hard to form the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and I wouldn’t want to change a thing about it except to add something about animal rights. I consider my pets my family and I think all animals are important and should be taken better care of. A lot of animals get tested on to sample OUR products, so we’re killing or hurting the animals we test on and at the same time some of the products we use are hurting our environment. We also need to take care of animal’s habitats. They need homes, when we take that away from them they don’t have anywhere to go. They deserve better treatment, that’s is something I think the Constitution and Bill of Rights lacks.

I think people need to know that everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance, no matter what the circumstances. God wants us to love one another and try our best to follow in His footsteps. He gave up his only son for us so we could have everlasting life. Humans sin, but because of Jesus dying on the cross, God forgives us, “for God so loved the world, that He gave his only son, that whomsoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life.” We need to try to forgive people as He forgives us and sometimes we also need to remember to forgive ourselves. I think the main part of being human is finding out more about yourself every single day.

The reality is, the world we live in is a very brutal and unfair place. It has gotten better over time in some ways, but in other ways it’s gotten worse. I believe we still have much farther to go. In America, a lot seems to depend on whether you have money or not. It’s not an easy fact, but it’s definitely true and you can’t deny it. Think about if you may be rich now and you suddenly became poor. Your life would change and vice versa. I think America is too caught up on all the artificial things and people are forgetting to enjoy the simple, free pleasures in life. I think that every human should strive to be the best that they can be. I think it’s important to work hard for what you want in life and not always try to take the easy way out. As humans, we have so much potential. I believe that everyone on this earth is here for a reason and that God has something planned for every single one of us. And I think we should do everything in our ability to fulfill our role in life.