Saturday, July 31, 2010

2nd day of my trip in new mexico...

i really enjoyed our 2nd day here, right after we ate breakfast we got dressed 2 go on a 3 mile hike, it took awhile 2 get ready, but as soon as we were all dressed we drove 2 the trail. when we got there the st things we noticed were all of the streams, we loved the sound because it was so relaxing. the other thing we noticed was the mud-it had rained and it some places i walked it was so sticky that it was like, sticking 2 my shoes! along the way their was some hills and some bridges we had 2 cross but soon we met this woman who was super nice, she had 2 big, sweet, and apsolutely adorable dogs and she actually really helped us, in fact if we hadn't gotten her directions i have feeling we would have gotten lost. we did pretty well and followed the trail, until we took a wrong turn, we really didnt know which way 2 go, so my dad decided that we should go up, so we climbed (me hanging on 2 my dads walking stick 4 dear life) the very steep hill which was a little 2 difficult for all of us, finally we got back on track and the rest of the hike was pretty fun. sumhow though on our way back i had even more energythen when we started, so soon instead of being in the middle i was leading, now thati look back on it, i guess i was going pretty fast, mostly when i got bored and turned on my ipod (listening 2 music whil going on a hike is actually really motivating) of course i stopped looking back 2 check if i could c my parents behind me and since i was listening 2 my ipod i couldn't really hear anything, needless 2 say, when i finally thought 2 look back my parents were no where in sight, so i waited and it actually only took about a minute or 2 before i could c my dad, by the look on his face he was not very happy...thankfully they forgave and forgot though, so it all behind us now.
after we went hiking we went 2 eat lunch and afterward we went 2 this huge flea market, it was really fun, the people there were all super pushy though, so i was very was good bargain shopping though, i got a lower price on both of the things i got, 1 thing i didnt even end up getting had been lowered from $35 2 $10!!! it was really fun, i can't wait 4 tomorrow!!!